  • 140 Street, Los Angeles, California, US
  • Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 - Sunday Closed.

Mission & Vision

Car Service & Repair Company

Innovative Solution of Car Repair & Servicing

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Involve content generation consumption screen space dedicated content over other elements To ensure there is enough space.Our first project, repserv, was founded in 2010 by brothers Alu baba and Polow baba, along with their friend Joaquín hadda haddi, founder of Gondhor acquired by car servicing company.

Alu baba felt the urge to create a platform where designers could find free graphic resource bablo and aquín supported his idea and thats how repserv company was created. since then our universe has been expanding non-stop, creating two new project.

Our Mission

A mission statement is a formal summary of values of an organization. We call it the DOING piece — it describes how you act as a servant leader. It proclaims who you serve, what you serve and how you do it every day.

Your Mission Cover What & How.

A well-crafted mission statement answers what you do, who benefits from this and how you is do it. depending on the particular organisational structure, the mission statement of company can be broken down into its different divisions. All in the purpose is to help you stay focused on the activities of today that further you’re dreams of tomorrow.

Do it. depending on the particular organisational structure, the mission statement of company can be broken down into its different divisions. All in the purpose is to help you stay focused on the activities of today that further you’re dreams of tomorrow.

Our Vision

A vision statement is a declaration of an organisation’s overarching objective or goal. We this refer to it as the DREAMING piece — if everything goes right, it is how your organisation will change the world.

Your Vision Cover What & How.

Your vision statement should be an audacious dream of a future reality based on the work on you do. It should be bursting at the seams with possibility. It’s where’s “begin with the ended in mind becomes real. It’s the heart and DNA of your organisation. Your vision should be so big that it feels nearly impossible. Your vision should require people to dream.

Do it. depending on the particular organisational structure, the mission statement of company can be broken down into its different divisions. All in the purpose is to help you stay focused on the activities of today that further you’re dreams of tomorrow.